The Will Miller Social Justice Lecture Series
He will always be remembered as a clear voice in a world of false words and disinformation.

About the Lecture Series
The Will Miller Social Justice Lecture series brings speakers to the UVM campus and the Burlington community to provide a continuing program of radical analyses of social, ecological and political concerns.
The series is dedicated to Will Miller, Vermont's activist philosopher and UVM Philosophy Professor for 35 years.
No New Prisons: Reimagining Communities Through Collective Organizing
In the U.S., on any given day, there are approximately 250,000 women in jails or prisons. To end the use of women’s prison, The Council has created a base-building theory of change, including hyper-local organizing, political education, and the national FreeHer campaign.
The FreeHer Campaign is a distributed organizing, deep canvassing, issue advocacy campaign raising awareness and shifting public opinion toward their goals: ending incarceration of women, girls, trans, and non-binary and closing women’s jails and prisons.
Through their work, they have successfully delayed prison construction in Massachusetts and Alabama, and are now working to do the same in Vermont. Please join us for a panel discussion on how we can abolish women’s prisons and shift investment into creating what different looks like for true public safety, transformation, and healing.
Andrea James
Sashi James
Mallory Hanora
Jayna Ahsaf
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